Mental Health
Youth served through a CMO have complex needs involving significant mental health and behavioral challenges. These might show as high levels of anxiety, reactions to past trauma, or acting out through physical aggression or destruction of property. Our youth may also experience depression, difficulty coping with grief, perhaps even thoughts of or attempts at suicide. Additionally, we help link youth dealing with specific challenges, such as eating disorders with the resources they need.
As a result of these challenges, our youth may have moderate to severe struggles in a number of different areas including their family or social life, in school, or getting into trouble with the law.
How Can We Help?
The care management organization helps the family navigate the system of care, not just for physical healthcare needs but mental health determinants, as well. Using the Wraparound Approach, our focus is to meet the needs of youth with mental health challenges. The CMO can refer the family to local providers for services like
The goal is to provide the youth and family the needed mental health support so the youth can be successful in their home, in their school, and in their community.
Youth mental health is important.