Court Involvement
Many youths served through a CMO have involvement with the juvenile justice system. Involvement with the juvenile justice system may result in a station house adjustment or a referral to a diversion program. In some instances, juvenile offenders might be arrested, placed in a juvenile detention center, or sentenced to probation once their charges have been resolved.
How Can We Help?
The care management organization helps the family navigate the system of care. Using the Wraparound Approach our focus is to meet the needs of youth who are involved with the juvenile justice system. For families seeking legal representation, understanding the process of obtaining a juvenile defense attorney is crucial. Having a comprehensive understanding of youth offenders and the processes involved can help set families up for success as they navigate the challenges of the juvenile justice system.
The CMO can:
- Support the youth and family during their involvement in the juvenile justice system due to juvenile crime
- Advocate on behalf of the youth to the court system and juvenile court judge
- Participate in court hearings and criminal proceedings
- Refer and link to community support and services as an alternative to juvenile detention
The goal is to provide the youth and family with the needed support and an explanation of how juvenile court in New Jersey works, so the youth can be successful in their home, in their school, and in their community.
During their engagement with juvenile justice, a CMO offers assistance to children and families.