Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities (DD) are a group of long-term conditions which can impact children in everyday living. They not only affect children physically, but how they learn, the way they communicate, and their behaviors. The child may be experiencing difficulty adjusting to change in their environment or may have difficulty with self-care. Some youth might also exhibit self-injury or aggressive behavior. Examples of developmental disabilities may include Autism, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or a Brain Injury.
How Can We Help?
The care management organization helps the family navigate the system of care. Using the Wraparound Approach, our focus is to meet the needs of children with developmental disabilities that are not being met through school-related services, services reimbursable by health insurance, or by other existing supports or services. Some of the services, supports, and resources the CMO can assist you with accessing may include:
- Applying for Eligibility for DD services
- Individual Support Services
- Behavioral Supports
- Assistance with Activities of Daily Living skills (ADLs)
- Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
- Crisis Stabilization
- Respite
- Family Support Services
The goal is to provide the youth and family the needed support so the youth can be successful in their home, in their school, and in their community. Learn more about the developmental disability process, including what to expect during early intervention and how families can take part.
Our focus is to meet the needs of children with Developmental Disabilities by providing the needed support and care coordination so the youth can be successful.
Learn more about developmental disabilities and how a CMO can help your situation.
The most common developmental disability is intellectual disability. Intellectual disability affects about 1 in every 6 people in the United States. It occurs when a person’s intelligence is below what is expected for their age and stage of development. There are many causes of intellectual disability, including genetic problems, problems during pregnancy, and problems with a baby’s brain development.
There are five main types of developmental disabilities: intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, and hearing loss.
Intellectual disabilities (ID) are a group of disorders that affect cognitive function. This includes thinking, learning, and problem solving.
Intellectual disabilities can occur during childhood or later in life. They are caused by problems with the development of the brain and can lead to delays in language, learning, and social skills.
There is no one cause of intellectual disabilities. They can be caused by genetic disorders, infections, traumas, or other factors. Many times there is no known cause.
There are a number of ways to assess a child for a developmental disability. One way is to look at the child’s developmental milestones. If the child is not hitting certain milestones or is significantly behind other children the same age, this may be indicative of a developmental disorder. Another way to assess a child is to look at their behavior and activities. For example, if a typically developing child is extremely withdrawn or has difficulty interacting with others, this could also be indicative of a problem. If you’re concerned that your child may have a developmental disability, it’s important to talk to your pediatrician or another healthcare professional who can evaluate your child and provide you with an accurate diagnosis.
There are a few different ways to get a developmental assessment for your child. If you’re concerned about your child’s development, the best thing to do is talk to your pediatrician. They will be able to refer you to a specialist or conduct a screening themselves. You can also contact your local school district and ask about their special education services. Some states offer free developmental screenings through their Early Intervention program. Finally, there are private clinics that offer developmental assessments, but these can be expensive.
July is developmental disability awareness month. Developmental disabilities are a group of neurological or other impairments that can occur during childhood. These impairments can cause problems with learning, thinking, feeling and movement.
Some common types of developmental disabilities include autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in six children in the United States has a developmental disability.