We understand that you are seeking help because you want the best for your child, and it may be overwhelming to determine what that means when your child is struggling in the areas of mental health, behavioral health, substance use, or developmental disabilities.
Care Management Organizations (CMOs) focus on five different services to assist your youth and family when you don’t know where to turn. That’s why we are here.

Mental Health
CMOs serve youth who have complex needs involving significant mental health and behavioral challenges that may show as high levels of anxiety, reactions to past trauma, or acting out through physical aggression or destruction of property. Our youth may also experience depression, perhaps even thoughts of or attempts at suicide.

Substance Use
The misuse of drugs and alcohol effects the whole family, not just the person using. Youth actively using are at higher risk of truancy, homelessness, relationship difficulties and overdose. As a result of these challenges, our youth may have struggles in several different areas including family life, social relationships or legal matters. Their parents or caregivers may be considering if a residential treatment program will meet their child’s needs.

Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities (DD) are a group of long-term conditions which can impact children in everyday living. They not only affect children physically, but also how they learn, the way they communicate, and in their behaviors. The child may be experiencing difficulty adjusting to change in their environment, difficulty with self-care, self-injury, or aggressive behavior.

Court Involvement
Many youth served through a CMO have involvement with the juvenile justice system. This involvement may result in a station house adjustment, a referral to a diversion program or in some instances arrest, placement in a juvenile detention center, or a sentence to probation once their charges have been resolved.

Trouble in School
Many youth involved with a CMO experience multiple challenges with school or daycare programs and may have an individualized plan in place from the school district to address their educational needs. Youth may exhibit disruptive behaviors in the classroom and frequently break school rules, which then lead to consequences like suspension or expulsion.

Get Connected
We’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how a CMO can assist your family.