What to Expect When You Work with a CMO
Care Management Organizations are community-based, non-profit organizations that provide face-to-face care management and comprehensive service planning for youth with behavioral health, developmental, or substance use disorders whose ties to home and community are jeopardized.
A CMO is the single point of organizational accountability to support need-based intervention and achieve desired outcomes for youth. CMOs serve youth from age 5 until their 21st birthday, with special consideration given to children under age 5.
Their goal is to assist kids and families in establishing a long-term, sustainable strategies that will help them manage their difficulties for years to come. CMOs are here to help when you don’t know where to turn, and when you do turn to a CMO, it’s important to know what to expect for a successful experience for everyone involved.
What can you expect from CMOs and what will a CMO need from you?
Partnership: A partnership between the CMO and the family is crucial in successfully addressing your child’s needs. Both parties are working towards the same goal and working together is a fundamental part of achieving that goal.
Strength-based: All plans will revolve around your child and family’s strengths. You can expect the CMO to work with you to identify and focus on these strengths.
Medicaid support: Your CMO can help explain and support you in completing the Medicaid Eligibility application, and will need you to complete and return the form.
Child-Family Teams: Your family will select a support team to be involved in the planning process. Your Care Manager will work with you to create a plan that includes strategies for addressing your child’s needs. The CMO needs your participation in Child-Family Team meetings and your feedback on how the plan is working for your family.
Culturally Competent: The CMO’s job is to provide culturally competent services. We will need your help to understand your family’s culture.
Community-based plans: The CMO will work with you to develop a plan to help your child succeed in their home and their community. The CMO needs you to identify natural supports that can be a part of the Child-Family Team.
Juvenile Justice Support: The CMO will advocate on behalf of your child to the court system and participate in court hearings. The CMO will help you prepare when you need to attend court dates.
Safe and healthy homes: CMOs will complete mandatory reporting of suspected abuse and neglect.
Crisis Response Plans: The CMO will assist in identifying resources to help during a crisis, including our after-hours on-call system. We will need you to define what a crisis is for your family and who/what can help you during a crisis.
Sustainable plan: You and your Care Manager will work together to develop a plan that will continue to address your child and family’s needs even after your time with the CMO has ended.