NJCMO Newsletter


Each CMO utilizes the Wraparound Model of Care and focuses on creating support teams comprised of family, friends and community partners who all share the same goal of positively impacting the youth’s wellbeing. Our Care Managers work with families to create plans and coordinate services all geared around the strengths of the youth as well as their support team.

By building a customized plan for each youth, creating a team-based environment, and leaning into natural supports, CMOs have been extremely effective in helping youth succeed at home, in school and their community.


This approach has resulted in the number of youth in Children’s System of Care out of home treatment decreasing by 23% from January 2019 to November 2021. As of May 31, 2022, 94% of youth in the CMOs were being served in the community and 6% in out of home treatment.

Additionally, surveys were completed by families and youth who have worked directly with a New Jersey CMO. The results below speak to the responsiveness and effectiveness of a CMO as well as the family satisfaction of those working with one.


94% agree that their family’s voice is heard and guides the team process.

95%  agree that their family’s values and preferences are treated with dignity and respect.

94% feel their Child and Family Team helps me see me/my child’s strengths.


95% agree that their family’s voice is heard and guides the team process.

95% agree that their family’s values and preferences are treated with dignity and respect.

94% feel they have been linked to resources and support that will help their family achieve their vision.

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