September 10, 2024
The Evolution of Healthcare: Telehealth vs. In-Person Services
In recent years, the landscape of healthcare delivery has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of telehealth services. While telehealth offers efficiencies and opportunities to supplement the work of a CMO, what we have learned over the past four years is that nothing can replace the in-person work of our Care Managers and CMOs.
Pros of In-Person Services:
- Personalized Care: Face-to-face interactions enable our staff to establish deeper connections with the families and youth in our care, understand non-verbal cues, and provide personalized care based on immediate observations.
- Emergency Response: In emergencies, immediate access to physical facilities, medical equipment, and personnel is readily available, ensuring prompt and critical care when needed most.
- Trust and Confidence: Many families may feel more confident in the expertise and capabilities of their healthcare providers when they can interact in person, fostering trust and a sense of security.
- No Technological Barriers: Not all families have access to reliable internet connections or the necessary devices for telehealth appointments. In-person services remove any technological barriers that could disrupt meetings.
- Flexibility: Certain treatments require in-person attendances that cannot be replaced through virtual means.
What we have learned over the past four years is that nothing can replace the in-person work of our Care Managers and CMOs.
Moving Forward
As we have done for the past several years, our CMOs will continue to embrace the evolution of technology and what it can offer, while still preserving personalized care and a physical presence when necessary and most effective.